Une manière de matérialiser une certaine idée de l'univers, une façon de créer un nouveau territoire imaginaire.Une scénographie comme l'invention d'une "Goldilocks zone", d'une zone follement habitable".
Une goldilocks zone ou zone habitable (ZH) est, en astronomie et en exobiologie, une région de l'espace où les conditions sont favorables à l'apparition de la vie telle que nous la connaissons sur Terre. Il existe deux types de régions qui peuvent être conjointement favorables, l'une au niveau d'un système planétaire, l'autre au niveau d'une galaxie. Les planètes et les lunes situées dans ces régions sont des candidates possibles à l'habitabilité d'une planète et donc potentiellement capables d'héberger une vie extraterrestre. (Wikipedia)
In astrobiology, the Goldilocks zone refers to the habitable zone around a star. The Rare Earth Hypothesis uses the Goldilocks principle in the argument that a planet must neither be too far away from, nor too close to a star and galactic center to support life, while either extreme would result in a planet incapable of supporting life.[4] Such a planet is colloquially called a "Goldilocks Planet".[5][6]
In medicine, it can refer to a drug that can hold both antagonist (inhibitory) and agonist (excitatory) properties. For example, the antipsychotic Aripirazole causes antagonism of Dopamine D2 receptors in areas such as the Mesolimbic area of the brain (which show increased dopamine activity in psychosis), but also agonism of Dopamine receptors in areas of dopamine hypoactivity, such as the mesocortical area.
In economics, a Goldilocks economy sustains moderate economic growth and low inflation, which allows a market-friendly monetary policy. A Goldilocks market occurs when the price of commodities sits between a bear market and a bull market. Goldilocks pricing is a marketing strategy that, although not directly related to the Goldilocks principle, uses product differentiation to offer three versions of a product to corner different parts of the market: a high-end version, a middle version and a low-end version.
In communication, the Goldilocks principle describes the amount, type and detail of communication necessary in a system to maximize effectiveness while minimizing redundancy and excessive scope on the "too much" side and avoiding incomplete or inaccurate communication on the "too little" side.[7] Wikipedia